Airdate 10.11.2014
PROPER notes:
-commercial at 30:45
-missing 4s of footage from the start of four different
CRAP notes:
-29.97fps instead of 59.94fps
-missing the 8s bumpers in between segs that show cast
and crew preparing for upcoming skit
SIDE note regarding NOVA S42E04:
Learn the difference between a 25fps encode and hybrid
content. That episode had intermixed 25fps and 30fps
content. As easily noticed, there was zero jerkiness
and/or ghosting frames during playback, which is what
you see in videos that should have been ivtc'd but
weren't. This should have stayed 29.97fps, as 25fps
causes frames to be removed that shouldn't be during
the 30fps section. Hopefully anyone that archives the
show won't get stuck with an invalid.proper from W4F.