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,,, ./ Inside.Iraq.2008.10.17.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,,
,| Air Date........: 17-10-2008 ,
Release Date....: 19-10-2008
Category........: TV
Genre...........: Documentary / Debate
Source..........: DVB-C
Length..........: 23 minutes /_,,,,''
Languages.......: English | ,
Audio...........: 48000Hz 150 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME3.90
Video...........: XviD 2pass @ 921 kbps
Resolution......: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3)
Size............: 13x15mb
Link............: http://english.aljazeera.net/ ,,, ./
Description | ,/
Inside Iraq is a weekly insight into this, one of the most important,
and divisive, political issues of our time. The programme will
| ,\ / explore some of the fundamental issues affecting Iraq and its people.
Who controls Khanaqin?
A new flashpoint is brewing between Baghdad and the Kurdistan
Regional Government (KRG), over the city of Khanaqin, in northern
Iraq's Diyala province.
Reporting on Iraq
The Iraq war has put the role of the media under close scrutiny and
highlighted the stark differences in media perspectives across the world. |
What the American public saw on their TV screens was often vastly ,,, ./
different to what audiences in the Middle East viewed on Arabic satellite\,,,,,/
,,, ./ Release Notes
We're currently looking for:
Capper with access to Fox News Channel and/or CBC. ,,, ./
,pgm00M_ Contact ,|
,| ` Greets _KB#00M0N0M#p
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and your sis wBM0#M0QM~^`^`"&M# #F
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