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,,, ./ Inside.Usa.Barrows.Annual.Fall.Whale.Hunt.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,,
,| Air Date........: 25-10-2008 ,
Release Date....: 26-10-2008
Category........: TV
Genre...........: Documentary
Source..........: DVB-C
Length..........: 23 minutes /_,,,,''
Languages.......: English | ,
Audio...........: 48000Hz 150 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME3.90
Video...........: XviD 2pass @ 913 kbps
Resolution......: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3)
Size............: 13x15mb
Link............: http://english.aljazeera.net/ ,,, ./
Description | ,/
Inside USA
Inside USA's mission is to strip away the spin, and highlight some of
| ,\ / the real issues in America - poverty, violence, race, health, and
This week, Inside USA travels to Barrow, Alaska, more than 500
kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, one of the most extreme
environments on Earth, to witness the annual Fall whale hunt.
'/_,,,,'' 70 per cent of the population there is Inupiaq the indigenous /_,,,,''
people of Alaska's North Slope.
,| / Since the US bought the territory from Russia in 1867, Barrow's
people have been on the frontlines of global politics.
In the 1950s, radar stations scanning the Arctic ocean for Russian
bombers put the community on the frontier of the cold war.
In the 1970s, the largest oil field in the US was discovered nearby, ,,, ./
putting the Inupiaq in the middle of the politics of energy. \,,,,,/
Today, with the Arctic ice retreating, they are on the melting edge
of global warming. ,|
And in this election campaign, with both parties calling for offshore
,| \ oil drilling, they are on the frontline once again.
In Barrow, the annual Fall whale hunt is about to begin. In a climate
like this, hunting and eating whale is central to the community's
,,, ./ subsistence.
\,,,,,/ But it is also a living tradition something Inside USA learned
,,, ` pretty quickly when we showed up and the people of Barrow, with
their famous generosity, let us into their lives.
Release Notes
We're currently looking for:
Capper with access to Fox News Channel. ,,, ./
- Sites to affil. No .us. \,,,,,/
,pgm00M_ Contact ,|
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