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,,, ./ People.and.Power.Iraq.Part1.Beyond.the.Wall.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,,
,| Air Date........: 25-10-2008 ,
Release Date....: 26-10-2008
Category........: TV
Genre...........: Documentary
Source..........: Al Jazeera English DVB-C
Length..........: 23 minutes /_,,,,''
Languages.......: English | ,
Audio...........: 48000Hz 152 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME3.90
Video...........: XviD 2pass @ 887 kbps
Resolution......: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3)
Size............: 13x15mb
Link............: http://english.aljazeera.net/ ,,, ./
Description | ,/
The start of Iraq week on People & Power, a series of three films
from filmmakers David Enders and Richard Rowley.
Beyond the Wall
Wall bordering Sadr City, the Shia stronghold of Muqtada al-Sadr
and his Mahdi Army
Muqtada al-Sadr and his militia, Al-Mahdi army, have been America's
most intractable opponents in Iraq, the only major Shia party to
'/_,,,,'' make the demand for American troops to withdraw. d /_,,,,''
For five years, they have controlled large sections of the country,
,| / they have also defied attempts to marginalise them politically, and
have fought pitched battles with the US Marines. Despite all this,
al-Sadr's al-Mahdi army has only grown in size and influence.
The movement fought hard against Saddam's regime and no neighbourhoo
in Baghdad faced more brutal repression than Sadr City. Today, the ,,, ./
same movement and the same neighbourhood are at the centre of \,,,,,/
resistance to the American occupation.
People & Power asks whether the US military's troop surge has worked ,|
in Iraq
,| \ The US has tried, unsuccessfully, to destroy the Sadrists several
times since the invasion in 2003. This Spring, the Iraqi and US
military launched surprising attacks against Sadrist strongholds in
,,, ./ Basra and Baghdad. After a few weeks of stiff resistance ceasefires
\,,,,,/ were negotiated and the al-Mahdi army melted away from the street.
,,, ` Iraqi soldiers have set up bases inside neighbourhoods that they
could not enter one year ago, and a wave of optimistic stories are
coming out of Baghdad and Washington.
Did the surge work? Has the al-Mahdi army finally been defeated, and
is this the end of the armed Shia resistance to the occupation?
Filmmakers Rick Rowley and David Enders returned to the al-Mahdi
army stronghold in Baghdad's Sadr City to look for answers.
,,, ./ Release Notes ,| \
We're currently looking for: ,|
Capper with access to Fox News Channel.
Sites to affil. no .us.
,pgm00M_ Contact ,|
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