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,,, ./ 48.Naples.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,,
,| Air Date........: 15-11-2008 ,
Release Date....: 16-11-2008
Category........: TV
Genre...........: Documentary
Source..........: DVB-C
Length..........: 23 minutes /_,,,,''
Languages.......: English | ,
Audio...........: 48000Hz 145 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo LAME3.90
Video...........: XviD 2pass @ 914 kbps
Resolution......: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3)
Size............: 13x15mb
Link............: http://english.aljazeera.net/ ,,, ./
Description | ,/
Once a glittering regional capital, modern Naples' reputation has
been tarnished by organised crime and soaring unemployment but in
| ,\ / this week's programme, Amanda Palmer and the 48 team meet local
journalists Andrea and Ilaria, who show them how this brash city
is determined to shrug off the forces holding it back.
The most destructive of these forces is the local mafia,
The Camorra older and arguably more powerful than Sicily's Cosa
'/_,,,,'' Nostra - which operates like a vast corporation controlling /_,,,,''
Neapolitan business and local politics. But some are willing to
,| / challenge their power, as 48 discovers when Andrea takes the team
to meet the The "Sott' 'o pont'" (Under the Bridge) theatre
company an organisation trying to educate teenagers about the
dangers of Camorrista life through drama.
Next we take the dramatic coast road around the Bay of Naples \,,,,,/
towards Amalfi, to visit one of the terraced lemon farms that
have characterised the craggy coastal landscape of the Naples ,|
region for centuries. Lifelong lemon farmer Luigi reveals the
,| \ passion for his fruit that keeps him fondly tending his terraces
at the age of 74, and introduces us to his prot g , 'Young Luigi'.
,,, ./ Finally, Ilaria and Andrea take us to the village of Montevergine
\,,,,,/ for the annual festival of Tammurriata, a traditional Neapolitan
,,, ` style of music and dance with a huge following among young people.
An earthy blend of pagan sensuality and Christian spirituality,
the festival celebrates fertility, rebirth, and a successful
\,,,,,/ Release Notes
We're currently looking for:
Capper with access to Fox News Channel and/or CBC.
Sites to affil. .,,,`./
,pgm00M_ Contact ,|
,| ` Greets _KB#00M0N0M#p
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j#F mBS Q0 NQ,
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and your sis wBM0#M0QM~^`^`"&M# #F
;P KB0M' MN0 Q#
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