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,, ./ Meet.the.Press.2008.12.14.Lisa.Madigan.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,, .
Air Date....: 14-12-2008
Release Date: 16-12-2008
Category....: TV
Genre.......: Documentary
Source......: DVB-C
Length......: 51 minutes
Languages...: English
Audio.......: 48000Hz 128 kb/s tot
Video.......: XviD 2pass @ 822 kbps
Resolution..: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3) ,| \
Size........: 25x15mb
Link........: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032608 \,,,,
"Meet the Press", the longest-running program ever on
network television, premiered on NBC-TV on November
6, 1947, with James A. Farley, the former chairman of |
the Democratic National Committee and Franklin
'/_,,,'' Roosevelt's postmaster general as its' first guest. /_,,,''
The show made its initial debut two years earlier
,| / as a radio program with Martha Rountree and Lawrence
Spivak as producers. For almost as long as there has
been television, there has been "Meet the Press".
Lisa Madiga \,,,,/
Blagojevich corruption scandal, U.S. economic turmoil ,|
The debut of "Meet the Press with David Gregory"
,| featured the very latest on the political turmoil in
Illinois and the arrest of Governor Rod Blagojevich
(D) with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan (D)
,, ./ and Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn (D). Plus, a roundtable on the |
\,,,,/ fallout from the arrest and findings from the new
,, ` NBC/WSJ Poll, with the Chicago Sun-Times' Mary
Mitchell and NBC's Chuck Todd. Then, an in-depth
discussion on the troubled economy with Gov. Jennifer |
Granholm (D-MI), Fmr. Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA),
,| \ Fmr. Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Wal-Mart
President & CEO Lee Scott, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt.'''`/\
,, ./ We're currently looking for:
,` ` - Capper with access to Fox News Channel or CBC.
The "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" /_,,,''
The Battle of Anghiari
Sites to affil.
Greets go out to...
,, ` Contact:
Mike, q=
the headless ]N& none*this*time
Chicken ,pgm00M_
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Content n Quality
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