Airdate 06-09-2015
Approriate game show CRF used. This never has been, nor will
ever be competitive reality. Did you guys realize you fucked up
your e1 proper and we're jsut trying to double down with that
invalid e2 bullshit?
E01 BAJ = bad crf
E01 w4f = bad crf
E02 BAJ = correct crf
E02 w4f = bad crf
We would real proper their e01, but really, it just isn't worth
re 60fps, Our 1080p source is only 30fps, so no 60fps encode.
Since the source quality is 10x better than yours ,or our,
720p60 low bitrate mpeg2 FOX with logos and spam, i think it's
obvious which source anyone would pick.
The next time you all open your mouth, maybe try not to put your
foot in it.
n it.