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DVD Date....: xx-xx-2008
Release Date: 14-02-2008
Category....: DviX
Genre.......: Documentary /_,, ,'
Source......: DVD PAL | ,
Length......: 78 minutes
Languages...: English
Audio.......: 48000Hz 96 kb/s tot
Video.......: XviD 2pass @ 1146 kbps
Resolution..: 640x352 ,, .
Size........: 50x15mb , `
Link........: http://foodmatters.tv | ,/
Food Matters
"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be
Thy Food." - Hippocrates
That is the message from the founding father of
,| / modern medicine echoed in this brave new documentary |
film brought to you by Producer-Directors James
Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.
Food Matters' is a hard hitting, fast paced look at ,,,./
our current state of health. Despite the billions of \,,,,/
dollars of funding and research into new so-called
cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ,|
ills and every day maladies. Patching up an
,| over-toxic and over-indulgent population with a host
of toxic therapies and nutrient sparse foods is
de?nitely not helping the situation.
\,,,,/ In a personal quest of discovery James and
,, ` Laurentine together with a ?lm crew and the
editorial and production expertise of Enzo Tedeschi
have set out on an independent mission to uncover
the wholesome truth. The filmmakers have interviewed |
,| \ several world leaders in nutrition and natural
healing who claim that not only are we harming our
bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right
,, ./ kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be |
\,,,,/ used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as
,, ` terminally diagnosed cancer.
| , Food Matters' seeks to uncover the business of
disease and at the same time explore the safe, cheap
and effective use of nutrition and supplementation
for preventing and often reversing the underlying
causative aspects of the illness. With the premise
,| \ of the film being: access to solid information helps ,,,./
people invariably make better choices for their | ,
| ,\ / The Food Matters' duo have independently funded the |
film from start to finish in order to remain as
unbiased as possible, delivering a clear and concise
message to the world. Food Matters.
,, ./ We're currently looking for:
,` ` - Capper with access to Fox News Channel or CBC.
The "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" /_,,,''
The Battle of Anghiari
Sites to affil.
Greets go out to...
,, ` Contact:
Mike, q=
the headless ]N& none*this*time
Chicken ,pgm00M_
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Content n Quality
Aragami 08`